The Clown

This is one of my favorite pictures It was taken when I was in my mid-40's and also the year I decided to 'stay '31' for the rest of my life;. A trick I learned from a client while I was working in a retirement communty in Reno as a 'hair-burner'...I mean hair stylist. Her name was Lucille. One day she came bopping into the salon for her Friday morning appointmet wearing slacks, a sweater thrown over her shoulder, and carrying a crossward puzzle book. She was grumbling that she was tired of living around these 'old dodos'. When I started laughing, she asked what I thought was so funny. I thought it was hilarious that a woman, about to fly off by herself to Seattle to a pary that was going to be given in her honor to celebrate her 90th birthday would say something like that about people who so much younger in years than she was. She said words that I'll never forget. "Pick a number you like and stay that number for the rest of your life. Your bod...