When I tell myself ..."I Know..." am I really a 'label maker'?
I was sitting and thinking about all the things in this Universe that I KNOW about, when another thought popped into my head. Knowing ABOUT does not mean UNDERSTANDING. For example, one couple that I know fairly well has an autistic child. I've seen how supportive and nurturing they are...and how this child has grown because of it. But I didn't understand how 'work and love' go hand-in-hand until I saw this educational video. I still don't know the 'everything'...but I'm one step closer. With all the things that are happening around the world and to many people, it's impossible for me to do the knowing/understanding part of it with any accuracy. I only have 24 hrs. to work with...and have a life to live, so it's a lot ezier to 'assume' knowledge that I don't have and become a 'label maker'. I went to YouTube and found a video that helps me to 'understand' a little more. And I thought it was good a great piece to s...