
What happens to me when there is no plan B?...

     This is too funny for words.  But I'm gonna use words to show you what I mean about...let it happen the way it's supposed to.        First, the delivery man left my box (that contained my 'needs to be put together' microwave cart) at the FRONT door.  I tracked that eagerly awaited package like it was a shipment of gold.  And for clarification, my address clearly states...1st floor REAR.  The handwritten note that is on my front door for all to see says, "ALL deliveries to be made in Rear...Thanks".  Grrrrr.   The reason?  I'm a 77 yr. young, man that doesn't like stairs so has NEVER gotten in the habit of using the front door.  The advantage of the back door?  I live on a hill and the enclosed back porch only has 1 step.  And to make matters worse, there wasn't even a knock on the door to let me know that it was there!  Double Grrrrr.  lol      It's a good thing that I...

Why I'm not writing...duh...

My honey (aka Sylvia), when she lost patience with my 'writing mode', used to ask me, "When are you going to write your DAMNED book?"  Yep, she used to swear...once in awhile.  Especially when I peaced her off.  Since we met, I talked about being a 'published writer' and she was behind me all the way.  And we met in 1980.  She bought me books that she thought would help, let me take online writing classes and was a very supportive wife.  But when I was 'making excuses' I wish I would've had this so she might understand. Now I'm going to have to get my blog going before this Crocker croaks and has to eat his words.  But the blog seems as far as I'll get...unless I move more than the kitchen table.  I'm OFF...again.  This might be a slow start...but I'm turning on the key and revving up my engine.  Putt, putt, putt. 

John's 'secret'...

     Today I was looking at my clown painting and suddenly, it jarred my memory.  It doesn't take much jarring these days to take a trip down Memory Lane or whatever that street's called.      I don't like to lay the blame on anyone, but since she's deceased, I'll point my finger at Sylvia as the culprit that got me going on my clown collection and my interest in clowns..  It all started several years before when the lady in question and I were just friends.  We were able to become 'best friends' so quickly because both of us had made the promise that we would NEVER get married again after what we'd been through.      One morning at Denny's, while we were having breakfast we had a sort of 'true confession' session.  It was during these we told each other 'secrets' that we would not even tell to our closest friends and family.  During one of these times, I told Syl  my biggest secret that not even my parents ...

Getting lost in the picture albums...

My roller skating sweater...

     Now I'm at a crossroads.  Should I toss my team sweater... or get out the sewing basket and stitch up the seam and sew a few buttons on?   Most guys would toss it 'cause the ones I know don't have the time to bother or the skill necessary to accomplish that 'feat'.  And girls probably would be easier than guys (I'm just guessing at that one) to vote for the garbage can if they knew how long I had it.  1979?  34 years?       But when it's washed, my cardigan looks like new.  I've worn it every year I had it and it's been a 'good friend' to me when I've been cold...which is part of my nature.  Brrrrrrrr.  Originally, the dark blue sweater had my name stitched on the front and a patch announcing 'King's Skate Country' on the back.  All the members of the roller skating team had one for the occasions we had to separate the sheep from the group that weren't part of the team.  Did I just refe...

'Tis the Season...or something.

     How the time flies.  Two days ago it was Thanksgiving,  yesterday was officially Black Friday and before I know it, Christmas.  I keep getting 'reminders' everywhere I turn.  But this year I'm ahead of the 'decorating' for the Holidays game.  I have 3 items that I didn't put away from last year ('cause I was busy doin' nothing...or sumthin').  I am SO on top of it.       The first is an angel hanging on the frame beside my bedroom door.  It's 'lost' in the other stuff  'to look at' in my apartment.  I now can proudly point to it and give it the center stage of attention...mine.  Thirdly, I have the 'pole'.  No, I haven't taken up pole dancing in my Santa suit, it's a dohickey or thingambob that we used to use to flaunt our Holiday cards on.  Actually, it used to hold bags of potato chips and still has the name of the company that 'it' used to belong to.  I simply hook the...

It only happens in the movies....???

I've found out (through a source I won't divulge...'cause I forgot who it was), that I could watch TV and movies for free on Hulu.  Now, with the price being with my 'range of affordabilty', I decided to check it out.  At first I went through the 'learning stage'.  I had to, like most other sites I come across, learn to navigate.  Since boating is not one of my skills, it was NOT smooth sailing at first. I found out, that without a TV service I could keep up with my favorite 'soap operas'.  And that's what I started doing.  But curiosity got the best of me.  One day I accidentally clicked on 'Korean drama' and a whole new world opened up to me.  Another country is into 'soaps' too!  Did I surrender to my curiosity?  Do bears do 'do do' in the woods?   But since I don't speak the language, I read the dialogue (I love to read and I do it fast) in order to know what's going on.  Through these 'adventures' I ...