Why I'm not writing...duh...
My honey (aka Sylvia), when she lost patience with my 'writing mode', used to ask me, "When are you going to write your DAMNED book?" Yep, she used to swear...once in awhile. Especially when I peaced her off. Since we met, I talked about being a 'published writer' and she was behind me all the way. And we met in 1980. She bought me books that she thought would help, let me take online writing classes and was a very supportive wife. But when I was 'making excuses' I wish I would've had this so she might understand.
Now I'm going to have to get my blog going before this Crocker croaks and has to eat his words. But the blog seems as far as I'll get...unless I move more than the kitchen table. I'm OFF...again. This might be a slow start...but I'm turning on the key and revving up my engine. Putt, putt, putt.