Do I believe in miracles...?

My first introduction to miracles came to me from my parents. They told me about the happenings on January 13th, 1938. My 20 yr. old mother went into labor with me and my dad rushed her to University Hospital in Cleveland. She had a rough time of it. The Dr. told her there was a serious problem and I would have to be delivered Cesarean section. Also, because of the nature of the problem a choice had to be made. He could save my mom's life...or mine, and even then there were no guarantees.

Stella (that's my mom's name) made a choice. She told the doctor to save me. She said she'd already experienced life and wanted me to have the same chance. Well...the delivery was made. I came squalling into this world at 1:38 AM on January 14th, and two weeks later than anticipated. The brat (that's me) survived...but the miracle was that my mom lived until 1980. Hmmm. I guess if I didn't make it, I wouldn't be writing this. Anyhow. From then on my life has been series of 'miracles'. But it wasn't until I looked back that I was able to see it that way.

In 1980, just five months after Mom passed away, another miracle happened. I met Sylvia. The odds that she and I would ever meet, become 'best friends' and get married in 3 months flat were astronomical. We were married for 30 years.

And now today,is my 73rd birthday. The odds that I should survive that long with the two women in my life who loved me unconditionally and who I probably had the power to exasperate the most...well, they didn't kill me or 'hurt' me. That's a miracle in itself. LOL

Now I can only imagine that the two of them are together(wherever they may be)and are now laughing and saying, "You finally realize what we meant by, 'People think you're so sweet...but they don't have to live with you'."

Seriously though (and I do have those moments...once in awhile), I can see all the miracles that have happened throughout my life. Coincidences? No! I just now look a little closer and see them for what they are...the synchronistic miracles of life. And to me that is the greatest blessing I have. To be able to finally...SEE.


Leona~Author said…
I met my Ren on Aug. 11 and we were married Nov. 18, my 19th birthday. Our marriage lasted forty-four years until death took him from me.

I have no doubt that God allowed our paths to cross. Yes, a Miracle to me.


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