I promised to buy her a stone...

Sylvia was a lady who loved fine jewelry. If it wasn't 'real' she would do without rather than have a 'look alike'. Anyhow, when it came to rings, she wore more than one when she went out...among other 'adorable adornments'.

Anyhow...I always told her I'd buy her a 'larger stone' to replace the one in her engagement ring.
I was thinking in terms of in the neighborhood of 2 1/2 carats. Never in my wildest dreams/nightmares would she play the role of Sleeping Beauty and change the whole picture.

Now the 'stone' is in the neighborhood of the 'cemetery' and the stone I'll be getting her will be a 'tombstone'. But a promise is a promise...and when I promised my honey something, I got it for her...even if it took awhile. This is one of the things I'm designing in my mind. It's what we used to do when we had our jeweler in Reno come up with a 'one-of-a -kind' piece.

I'm writing this late at night, not because I feel the sense of loss but because I feel that Syl and I are closer than we were even when she was sleeping beside me. She's in my heart the same way she's always been but we communicate 'differently'. And I still can get 'in trouble' when I can 'feel' her saying, "You're not going to leave it there...are you? or Exactly what are you planning on doing with that? If you don't need it, get rid of it. We don't need a 'junked up house.

Sylvia Romanelli Crocker was and is a wonderfully, funny and inspiring woman. And yet she could make the timbers shiver with...'the look.' A wonderfully individualist human being with a charisma that could light up a room. Where is this 'stone' going to be? A picture speaks a thousand words...and I took one to save on the ink.


Anonymous said…
If I was a woman, I'd be crying sloppy tears after reading that.

So beautiful, so honest.

However, since I'm a very manly man...I'll have a cold one in her memory and to salute my friend.

Guru Eduardo

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