Some things I learned from my Dad...

I like this picture of Dad, back in his single days before he met and fell in love with Mom. His name was also...John. He used to be the adventurous type, driving from place to place on his Harley. He'd tell me about the hill climbs he did on it...and this was before motorcycles were the rage. Dad was born in a log cabin in a small town in Northern Michigan. He had to drop out of school and go to work before he finished grammar school. The two things that he seemed to really enjoy...hearing him tell it, were motorcyles and dancing. In fact he met Mom at a dance and I think that's what got her attention. He was know in our neighborhood as the Waltz King...but he could do a pretty mean polka too. Accordians were his favorite instrument and he played one. Not well...but he played. Anyhow when I was growing up he made sure that I had a set of encylopedias so I could learn some of the things that he didn't know about. Those and just a few others were what I cut my teeth...