Just in the Nick of time...
As I go traipsing along the "Yellow Brick Road" called life, I sometimes meet someone who inspires me with their story and makes the journey a little easier when it comes to the 'rough' spots in the road.
I've read countless books on everything from the magical to the mundane, interesting and borrrrrrrrrrrrring. But with each one I've grown. I'm not the person I was before I experienced the 'story'.
Helen Keller was one of those people, who had the 'heart' and Nick Vujicic is another. This is a video that tells his story better than I can.
I've read countless books on everything from the magical to the mundane, interesting and borrrrrrrrrrrrring. But with each one I've grown. I'm not the person I was before I experienced the 'story'.
Helen Keller was one of those people, who had the 'heart' and Nick Vujicic is another. This is a video that tells his story better than I can.