We've decided on the Cha Cha Cha...
Last night, I was watching an all-time favorite TV program of mine, Dancing With the Stars. Why? Because even though I might seem like Scarecrow Klutz, underneath this 'not-so-suave' exterior resides Mr. Dancing Fool. But I knew from past experience,a lot of practice went into their routine to make it look so effortless. And Florence Henderson, who is the same age category as me, looked like she was having a blast. I was amazed at her agility and ability...to still have fun! While sitting having my coffee I had an 'aha' moment! I love to dance, I have a whole 1st floor apartment that I can convert to my 'dance studio' and the only thing that's missing (since Sleeping Beauty took her 'Siesta') is a partner. So I figured that if I hired Miss Fearless Dustcloth, we could then squeeze a lot of practice time in and still have a life! Kill two birds with one stone. (That's an expression I use, 'cause I don't kill birds.) Now all we needed to d...