Has he lost his marbles...??!!!

"Is he nuts?"

That's a question that I can only 'imagine' that a couple people may be asking...if they pay attention to me at all. I 'imagine' that the only polite thing to do would be to answer it. But if it's my 'imagination' that's wondering...cool. Then I'm safe. Pheeew!

This kid still has all his 'marbles' at age 72 and plays with them...frequently. As far as playing with a 'full deck'...I got one of those too! I figure as long as I have 'today' to work with, I'll have fun playing with whatever hand is dealt to me. Since I used to deal in a casino, I know their 'rules'...kinda. But if I play The Game of Life by mine, and use Faith as my 'ace in the hole', I can't lose.

Now that I've retired, I've got xtra hours in my 168 week and can only use them 24 hours at a time, I'll have more time to relax and choose different 'what I choose to do' priorities.
I'm gonna write me a book! It'll be called Crocker Barrel Philosophy. But I've got a lot of other stuff to do too! Sitting in front of the laptop all day to me is NOT fun! My butt gets sore. Besides, the stove, the vacuum, the friendly dust rags and the washing machine get a little 'down in the mouth' if I don't pay attention to them. Not to mention Cherokee Elvis. That dog cries like my 'baby' if he thinks I'm ignoring him. Fat chance! lol

Today a friend is taking Johnny and me out for a 'celebration feast' at an 'all you can eat' Chinese buffet. I'm feeling sorry for them because they haven't a clue what the words 'healthy appetites' mean to us...and their profit margin. But first I hear the washing machine and vacuum calling me. "Hellooooo, John." But first I'll put on some rock n' roll music and boogie on outta here.


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