Playing with Ben...Franklin that is.
I was sitting at the kitchen table a few minutes ago thinking, "The day that I stop asking questions will be the day I'll turn into Mr. Know It All.' " ... and with all the things in this universe to explore, it won't happen for at least another forty years. One of the things I've wondered about thus giving me more questions to ask was written by Benjamin Franklin in Poor Richard's Almanack in the 1700's. It was, from what I gather the Colonial America's forerunner to the more recent Farmer's Almanac. It goes, "Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise." What was he thinking when he came up with that one...? My first thought was that he had a great sense of humor. That would pretty well describe the average lifestyle of people living back then. and if I remember my history correctly, there were probably fewer 'healthier, wealthier, and wiser' people per capita, running around then than there are ...