Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...NOT :(

The words of that song just popped into my head... but it definitely is not one of my favorite tunes. I woke up this morning and discovered, much to my chagrin, that it had snowed over night and I was surprised. I wasn't expecting it and I learned a lesson. If I'd have watched the weather report on the 11 o'clock news or payed attention to the weather forecast, I wouldn't have been caught off guard and would have planned my day better. The lesson? Pay attention. Oh,well...

Now some people love snow...but I'm not one of them. Some love to ski on it, or love to shovel it for exercise, or like to sit in front of the fireplace reading a good book while winter is doing its thing outside. Others even like to go out a build a cool snowman. Not me. I don't ski, I'm too old to shovel (at least I let people think I am ), don't have a fireplace...and at the moment don't even have a good book to read. And even though I like looking at snowmen, I don't like doing anything out in the freezing weather.....building a snowman would be last on my 'fun things to do in the winter' list . "Wherever you go, you always take the weather with you. ..." are the words to the song I should've remembered before I moved to New England. Such is life.

.Maybe I should write another song that goes, "let it STOP, let it STOP, let it STOP (snowing) before I have to walk to work this afternoon." and sing it to myself 'cause I'm sure no one wants to hear me grumbling about the weather. That sums up my thoughts on snow...for today. Maybe tomorrow I'll see it differently. Stranger things have happened. Like the New England weather, I keep changing every day.

I guess that's not too bad. At least I'm not stuck in a rut. LOL


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