Einstein said...what???

From my point of view, Albert Einstein was one of the coolest guys that I would ever have liked to have met. Not only was he a great physicist but as I researched him (looked stuff up...heh,heh) I found out the he was also into metaphysics somewhat...and had a great sense of humor too. It's been said...and I don't know who said it, I'll have to look that one up too...that a picture's worth a thousand words These are a couple of my fav's of Einstein. Why? Because I can identify more closely with him. Not because I'm a genius, but that's what I look like when I get up in the morning and we both have a sense of humor.
OK...on to the more serious matters, what exactly did he say that I like so much? Some of the quotes that I found that 'float my cork' are these.
"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new."
That is soooo cool. It doesn't make me feel so dumb. I've gone through life with erasers on my pencils. But looking back, I think of them more as been more 'learning experiences' than mistakes. Why? It sounds better. Off to the next quote
"The true sign of itelligence is not knowledge but imagination."
That one I really like. I'm not long on knowledge...yet, but I sure have an Imagination. That one makes me feel kinda smart. :)
"The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once"
Hmmm. That got me to thinking. I like the concept of 'life is a banquet' . Wouldn't it be a drag if the banquet happened in one split second? Or as the words from the song, The Dance go, "I could have missed the pain but I would have had to missed the dance." No time to experience life...the good AND the not so good. Because life is a mixture of both. . It gave me snother thing to think about on. And I do love to ponder on stuff. LOL
"The gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing positive knowledge"
Fantasy is one 'gift I'm blessed with and the 'positive knowledge,... I'm working on. it. LOL I guess that's why the genre I've chosen to write it is Fantasy Fiction. It's natural for me. But it took me a long time to figure that one out.
"Imagination is everything. It's a preview of life's coming attractions."
Wow! That is so cool. I like the way the man thinks. Or is it the way I think that he thinks?
It doesn't matter. It works for me. And if it works I'm not going to argue with it. LOL Albert Einstein...you're an inspiration.