The early morning meditation...

Auguste Rodin's sculpture, The Thinker, has been always been one of my favorites because of the meaning it has for me.
First, when I gaze (which is the fancy-dancy word I use for 'look') at a replica of it, I see a reflection of myself, doing what I love to do. Think. Of course I'm dressed a little differently because this is New England and not the tropics.
After all these years of 'thinking' about my dream, I've come to the conclusion that if I don't act on it, I'm going to end up like the 'nameless sculpture dude.' Hmmm. I can't picture myself 120 plus years from now still sitting and"thinking.' Unh uh. So I'm off...and blooging. Hey, what can I say. My dream is to write and I've gotta start somewhere.
Then a funny thought crossed my mind. What was Roding doing when the inspiration came to him for the statue? I started laughing. I can only imagine...but I won't even go there. After all, it is a possibility.
Oh,sorry Mr. Rodin... I'm just joking.