'Strain at a gnat and swallow a'...what??

A Camel.

Hey, I found it written in the Bible. It talks about 'straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel.' Being a guy full of questions I wondered what that's supposed to mean.

Now according to what I looked up a gnat is a tiny insect. So what I thought was that I might be so focused on the gnat that I lose sight of the fact that's it's only a small part of the 'big picture' (camel). Or maybe put in simpler terms..."I can't see the forest for the trees."

My dad taught me about that stuff when I was a kid. He'd get me picture puzzles. He'd say, "Look at the big picture first, then you'll be to see how the pieces of the puzzle fit together. It makes it a whole lot easier." And that's the way I think. I try to look at the 'big picture' first...but in many things, I'm still puzzled by what I see. But I'm working on it. That's the fun in 'living and learning.'


Unknown said…
Nice way to "uncover the canvas" for the big picture, that you are getting ready to paint!!

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