To be or not to be, that is the question.

Do you like the way Shakespeare writes? I'm going to have to fess up to that one. I don't. I had problems reading his works when I was in high school...and now more that 50 years later, still the same problem. It's just too much work to translate English into English.
I admire those that can. I consider myself to be 'well-read' but after trying to tackle his 'stuff' my image as an intellectual goes...poof...right out the window.
Yet...some of his short quotes stick with me. Like the one from Hamlet...
"To BE or not to BE, that is the question." I really like that one...because I can play with it.
To be or not to be...what? Now, the word BE means in the present. Not 'was'...not 'will be'...but what is happening NOW.
It reflects the choices I make every day. And let's face it...the only time I can make any sort of a choice is in the PRESENT. There's another quote that just popped into my noggin that I had to check out. "Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Todays is a gift. That's why it's called the PRESENT"...hah, by Eleanor Roosevelt, no less.
Now the way my scatterbrain works is to connect the two. Now that I AM in the present...what am I going to do with my gift? That's what I love about the gives me a whole stadium full of choices and a lot of room to think. My first choice of the day? To be happy...and so now I can go on my way looking for all the things that make me feel that way. Of course I may find a few other things along the way...but I've learned that the more I look for the happy things, the more I find. As the Bible says, "Seek and ye shall find." It's working more and more for me.
So...I'm off (like that is a little known fact) in search of the 'happiness stuff'.