The Battle of the Sexs...or War of the Words
Among the many things I think about is why men and women have such a hard time understanding each other sometime. After all, they're are each the flip side of the 'human coin' nickles.

Then I thought some more. Which is more valuable? They are both the same. One wouldn't be worth a nickle without the other. But they see each other differently. Why? Because they are different and THINK different. Now this is just a guy's opinion...for what it's worth.
As I see it, and it's only a theory mind you, the problem lies in perception and communication. A guy may see things one way, whereas a gal might see it another and many times they argue about who's right and who's wrong...and they're both looking at the same thing and they are both right...or in some cases both wrong.
I think if two people of the opposite sex could sit down and communicate to each other how they see it and the other LISTENS and then they reverse the roles, then maybe there might be a better understanding. Or maybe not. Anyhow talking to my honey is a lot more fun than arguing...and more conducive to growth in a relationship. But it takes two to well as tangle. I like the idea of growing together rather than growing apart. But as I say...I'm a guy and it's only my opinion. LOL
Then I thought some more. Which is more valuable? They are both the same. One wouldn't be worth a nickle without the other. But they see each other differently. Why? Because they are different and THINK different. Now this is just a guy's opinion...for what it's worth.
As I see it, and it's only a theory mind you, the problem lies in perception and communication. A guy may see things one way, whereas a gal might see it another and many times they argue about who's right and who's wrong...and they're both looking at the same thing and they are both right...or in some cases both wrong.
I think if two people of the opposite sex could sit down and communicate to each other how they see it and the other LISTENS and then they reverse the roles, then maybe there might be a better understanding. Or maybe not. Anyhow talking to my honey is a lot more fun than arguing...and more conducive to growth in a relationship. But it takes two to well as tangle. I like the idea of growing together rather than growing apart. But as I say...I'm a guy and it's only my opinion. LOL