Teaching the dog...

Every now and again I come up with a brilliant idea. At least at the time, I think so. Now I have a pretty smart dog. Cherokee Elvis is a Bichon Frise and is going to have his...holy toledo, his eighth birthday next month. We communicate pretty well, considering, but he has one annoying habit. He barks at the time I'm least expecting it and I jump a mile
One day, I had him sitting on my lap and I asked him, Why do you bark like that and scare the crap out of me?
Just like he knew what I was saying, he turned around and looked my square in the eye...and if I could read his mind at that moment, I imagine his answer would be, Because I'm a dog, you idiot. What do you expect me to do? Meow?
That gave me an idea. I'll teach him to be bi-lingual. So I'd sit him on my lap like I had good sense and say to the smart dog...meeeeeooow. At first he just looked at me like I was nuts. No response. But after a time he'd sit by the hall door, screw up his mouth and go....mmmrrrrrreeeeeeeoooowww.
Not perfect...but I think he's getting there.
In the meantime, today while I was tooling around the internet I found this cool site. http://www.dummies.com/ It has all sorts of information on it. One of the things on it was about dogs and what they're trying to tell you when they bark. So I'm off ...to read it. Mmmm. Maybe there's something in the bark that I'm not understanding.
One day, I had him sitting on my lap and I asked him, Why do you bark like that and scare the crap out of me?
Just like he knew what I was saying, he turned around and looked my square in the eye...and if I could read his mind at that moment, I imagine his answer would be, Because I'm a dog, you idiot. What do you expect me to do? Meow?
That gave me an idea. I'll teach him to be bi-lingual. So I'd sit him on my lap like I had good sense and say to the smart dog...meeeeeooow. At first he just looked at me like I was nuts. No response. But after a time he'd sit by the hall door, screw up his mouth and go....mmmrrrrrreeeeeeeoooowww.
Not perfect...but I think he's getting there.
In the meantime, today while I was tooling around the internet I found this cool site. http://www.dummies.com/ It has all sorts of information on it. One of the things on it was about dogs and what they're trying to tell you when they bark. So I'm off ...to read it. Mmmm. Maybe there's something in the bark that I'm not understanding.
And Cherokee says, Not all the Dummies have a .com after their name. Woof, woof.