My philosophy is...

Well, I'm not in the running with the big guys, Confusion and Aristootle, yet. I've not found one particular PHILOSOPHY that totally fits my size 13 feet, so instead of adopting one I've adapted many and come up with my own...Crocker Barrel Philosophy.
Hey, if the 'philosophy fits, I wear it. But the older I get the more I 'grow'.
I find it amazing how many wonderful 'idea' makers there are on this planet. It's a virtual banquet. From the masters of 'how to do it' to the masters of 'how not to do it'. I can learn from everyone.
Look at kids. They have the least most of the ones I've observed. They instinctively seem to know more than I do about what makes them happy and how to live in the present and are not afraid to imagine.
One of my teachers told me 'to become as a little child', so here I am. The 'little kid in an adult body.' It's fun. Of courses at times I have to act like an adult...but it's all an act. LOL