We all have problems....

Well...maybe not exactly like Betty Boop, but problems just the same. I kinda think, and of course it's only my opinion, it's not the kind of problems we have that's the problem. It's the way we go about resolving it that matters.
Sometimes I look at a sitchiation and BAM...I think about it, think about it and think about it and don't fix it when I can. Pretty soon the 'molehillbecomes a mountain. Or I am faced with a mountainthat's I'm afraid to climb. I feel alone. And then alone can be spelled two ways... alone or ALONE. I may be 'alone' but I'm never ALONE. I found out the difference.
And I've never been on who's afeerd to ask for help in a situation that I feel is out of my control. There's only two answers I can get. Get Lost...in which case I won't tell you what I think 'cause this is a family show. Or Of Course. Hmmm, that sounds better. But forgetful me forgets the 'other' way to ask. HEEEEEELP! That's the one that has proved the best results. Now why do I seem to forget the HELP before I have to ask for help. One of life's mysteries. The HELPER says...'just ask'. Hmmmmm, something more for me to chaw on.
I believe...then what I believe is personal, like my fingerprints so I won't go any further than that. Time to go off and do some more chewing on it. I can only fix things one 24 hours at a time, the same as I've always done. That which hasn't killed me has made me stronger.