Introducing...The Crocker Barrel Philospher

I was bitten by the 'writing bug' since I learned how to put a pencil to the paper and write cursive in grade school. Hey...I'm not a natural, just a late bloomer. Over the course of many, many years I had 'short bursts' of creativity. I'd dabble here and doodle there, but nothing serious. Then I started to blossom. Like something that takes forever to bloom. A bloomin' idiot. At last I've arrived. This is a of me sketch drawn when I was working in a casino in Reno and I love it because it is soooooooo ME.
Anyhow...Sylvia has been listening to me yammer on about 'writing a book' since we met umpteen eleven years ago. How many? A bunch. Anyhow, I told the same story to people I knew about what I was going to do 'when I grew up'. The normal question was, "What's it going to be about...or what's the title.' Heck, I couldn't answer either one.
But now that I've decided to grow up at age 71 I've come up with both a title and the subject matter. What? What what? Oh...the title will be Crocker Barrel Philosophy . I got the idea from the term 'crackle barrel philosophy, where guys used to sit around the crackle barrel in the country store jawing about life and what's happening in their world.
Now I'm not one that is claims to be a philosophical guru 'cause I'm one who thinks that what a person believes is their own business and I find everyone's ideas...interesting. I have my own 'cause I 'connect the dots' differently than most. Hey, I figure that makes me unique...weird...whatever. Now that I've grown up...kinda... I'm going to write my first book and call it "Crocker Barrel Philosophy". It's a start. At least I've got a title.
What's it going to be about? Don't know. I haven't written about it yet. I put the 'Crocker' in 'cause it's the way I see our fast paced life in modern times. I don't know if I'm right or wrong...but it's only my spin on things. And since it is my nature to see the funny aspects in 'normal' situations...hey, it's going to be humorous...I hope.
I figure if I'm going to write the danged thing it's going to have to be well-written, it's going to have to be something people will be interested in 'cause who the heck would be interested in something that I'm interested in and it'll be funny, 'cause I write funny. Naturamente I'll want the danged thing published or why write it to begin with?
Interesting, well-written, popular appeal, and fun to read. I hate having to 'wade' through a book. I wouldn't waste my time or my money on a 'wading' book and with a little bit of luck, I won't be writing one. I'm taking my shot. Wahooo.
Sink or swim...I'm on the launching pad.