Acceptance is NOT submission...

Acceptance is not submission; it is acknowledgement of the facts of a situation. Then deciding what you're going to do about it.
- Kathleen Casey Theisen

I found this quotation like I find many of the other things in life, by following the 'white rabbit of intuition'. And I cease to be amazed at how many cool things I find. This is one quotation that really got my attention.

Take yesterday for example. Hmmm. My borrowed car was stuck in the snow. I decided that I was going to the store. My son, Johnny, went out and shoveled and came back in and said, "There's no way that car is going to get out." But I was determined to get to the store. Hearing that, I made up my mind that it would so I said, "When I honk three times, it'll mean that the car is out and we can go to the store." Yeah, right.

It took some shoveling before I realized he was right. There simply was no place to put all the snow. Sheeesh. Delemma. I wanted to go to the store and the car was stuck. I had to 'accept' that. But...I wanted to get my butt to the store so I decided what to do. I went inside and grabbed Sylvia's cane (so I wouldn't fall on my patookus) and walked the 6 blocks to the store. I not only accomplished what I orignally wanted to do, but I chose not to let the snow stop me.

This has happened a lot in my life when 'things happen' that I hadn't planned on. I can either give up and sit on the 'pity pot' and play the 'blame game'...or I can look for some other way to do it. It's the times that I've given up that have proven the least productive. Do I sit on the pity pot anymore? Of course I do, I'm only human. But it's happening less and less frequently...and it saves a lot on time and toilet paper. All things are becoming possible, now that I look at it differently.


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