Why doesn't he learn English?

Our baby...Cherokee by name is one smart cookie. He has been easy to train since the day we brought him home eight years ago.
The day after he arrived in our home he learned not to 'go' in the house. We take him out on a leash and he does his business in the yard. He sits by the door and in his cute little way announces that he has to take a walk.
That is a mixed blessing. It's great when the weather is good, but not so hot when it's snowing out. I tried before the first winter came to paper train him to go on the back porch. But the pooch has a mind of his own. His answer was to look at me like I'd lost my marbles...and head for the door. Nuh, uh. He wasn't havening any of it. So outside it is...rain or shine, but NEVER in the house.
I've tried to teach him to be bilingual. I sat him on my lap and told him to say 'meow'. He looked at my, again like I was nuts and said...nothing. After a few language lessons I made progress. No he can get close. He'll sit there and go, 'mmmmrrrrrrrrreeeeeeooooooooowwww'. Close, but not cigar.
One thing he does that at times that is a little unnerving, is bark at the neighbors as they come in to go to the second and third floor. Picture this. It's quiet. All of a sudden there is an earthshattering noise that sounds like Rottweiler...but it comes from next to me. My first instinct is to run to the shopping list and cross Ex Lax off the paper. I just wish he wouldn't do that.
Then my own question was answered. He doesn't learn English because he's a dog. Barking is his way of communicating...someone is coming. I have to admit though, for a small dog with a large voice, he is a good watchdog...and maybe one day if we should ever have a visit from a burglar, he'll have the same effect on them. They'll never know what lies on the other side of the door.