A blast from the past...

Today I was reading a blog written by someone who described several time periods in their life and it got me to thinking about...my hair. I was one of those dudes who was a teenager in the 50's and boy oh boy, hair for a guy back then was a trip.
This is what I was doing with Brylcream in 1954 when I was 16. The ads sang, Brylcream...a little dab'll do ya. Yeah, right. Maybe for some guys...but not for me. My folks kept asking me if I was eating the stuff 'cause I kept running out.
The top right picture was when I was 18 and into the bird's nest style. My hair dressing of choice was called Dixie Peach. It was a thick, perfumey substance that held my unruly hair in place. And took forever to shampoo out and get off my hands. But it made the half-hour I spent every morning combing every hair into place worth it. It wasn't vanity...it was styling.
By the time I turned 19 (top left) I was in the Air Force and had to go shorter and more conservative. VO5 was my hairdressing of choice. With that one a little dab did do me.
Ah, those were the years. Now that I'm past 70 my friend Avni (age 17) turned me on to some new hair stuff...GEL. Right now I'm using spray gel but soon as I get to the barber and get a hot new Dustin Hoffman type cut, I'll try some of the real stuff. I'm finding out that the older I get I keep learning more from the young guys about what's hot and what's not. Why not...I'm flexible. I can't wait to see what I'll look like next.