I love to pay bills...

Does paying bills really make me happy? Sure it does. I used to think that bill paying time was a chore that I didn't particularly like. In fact, I hated it. There were so many other things I could be doing with my time...and my money.

Now that I'm a little older (but not much wiser, LOL) I've had a change in thought about the whole deal. I started thinking about it. Bills are those annoying thingies that come attached to something I either use, want or need. Hmmm. Bills are a fact of life in a cash and carry world. No bills...no attachments? Hey, that's like throwing the baby out with the bath water if I don't want bills.

So I separated the bills into two stacks. The good kind and the not-so-good kind. Paid and unpaid. Now I can have fun sitting down and writing the checks to put some of my bills in the History file in my drawer. And the upside of the whole thing is that in order to pay anything, I already have to have the money and I don't have to worry about where I'm going to get it. I can multi-task and say, Thank you Lord. Prayer helps me.

So I'm off to pay some bills. Same old task but with a different attitude. My hate turned to love. It's a lot more fun.


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