Tomorrow never comes...

One of the fun things I love to do is share some of the ideas that pop into my head.

Yesterday, I was sitting at the kitchen table sipping a cup of coffee and I realized what the saying meant, "Live today like it was your last day on earth." Hmmmm. Interesting. Then the light bulb came on. I least I thought I did. So what does it mean to me? Simple. PAY ATTENTION TO TODAY...'cause it's going to be the last today that I can scratch off the calendar.

As I see it, life is like a calendar. There are 30 days in a month...roughly. Hey, some months have more days, some less with just enough variation to keep screw up my bill paying schedule. That's what they must mean by flex-pay.

But like clockwork, life comes to me in handy little bite-sized, 24 hour pieces. It's a lot handier that way and a sometimes a heck of a lot less scarier. A whole MONTH or WEEK at a time is a heck of a mouthful to digest or to chew on at one time. I'm not into either heartburn or diarrhea. And so far, I haven't found a flavor of Rolaids that I'm really fond of.

So...the first thing I'm starting to look at every morning is the good stuff. Those are the things that I can be grateful for. To me it's the lobster of life If I start looking for the 'not so good stuff' first...I'll find it. Yuck. It's like spinach used to be. My mama told me, it won't kill me it'll make me stronger. Then she'd tell me to look at Popeye. And that would make me laugh. Yeah, right. Like she wants me to grow up to be a sailor man and look like that? It's not what she meant...but what the heck.

Spinach on my plate again tomorrow? That's one thing I'll never know...because as soon as I think I've gotten to tomorrow...BAM it's turned into today. And I'm back to square one. I've given up trying to live in tomorrow. Whatever Today's Special is...I'll look for the good stuff and deal with the rest. I've successfully gotten through a lot of yesterday's of mountains and valleys...and I'll do the same today. Successfully.
So even though I'm aware of the road ahead called tomorrow...I'll worry about it when I get there... tomorrow. It'll take up a lot less of my free time...TODAY. That's what some people call living in the present.

I'm off to find the today's lobster...sometimes carefully hidden under a pile of...spinach or on a good day, carefully hidden in plain sight. But unless I look I might miss it. LOL


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