Am I too OLD for Facebook...??!!

I don't THINK so! Compared to Methuselah I'm just a kid. A little one at that. I brought my bunny friend along to 'illustrate.' Buggsy boy is only two years younger than your's truly. Hmmmm. And we've grown up together. And if you think we're singing Looney're right!! He's funny and taught me a lot of what I know. Even though you're older you still can fit in...somewhere. Hey, Facebook is
Somewhere so that's where I'm at. And having fun to boot. If it's not fun, why do it? There's time enough for work, the way I see it...but if you're going to play why not pick your own 'playground'?
I went through a metamorphisis. I decided I didn't like the pic that I used for my Profile so I went to Photobucket and did a little editing. Well, I did a bunch of cutting and pasting and fixing until I was happy with it. Then I decided I didn't like it...but I posted anyway. Hmmmm.
Now why would I pick a picture to begin with that I didn't like? Because it was the 'best lousiest' picture I had. Didn't have many to start with 'cause most of the time I'm the dude holding the camera. But...I'm going to go with the flow and post what I've got...when I've got it. I'm working on the 'Extreme Makeover' but until then...I've gotta do what I gotta do. But it's funny 'cause I know that even though Tom Cruz I'm not. the magic mirror on the wall won't crack if I wait a teensy bit longer. Well...I hope not. I'm not into 'seven years bad luck' for the rest of my life. LOL