Make a friend of your fear...?
I've made an amazing discovery about myself. NOT so amazing when I come to think about it. I'm a writer...which is why I'm doing what I'm doing this moment. I've decided that I have the 'imagination and heart' of one of those 'writer' dudes so I'm stuck with it. If the shoe fits, wear it. Writer in training? Probably...oh,well.
Anyhow, my favorite to the Wizard of the Matrix. I have all three and I've come to my own conclusion as to what the 'Matrix' is. Which is another story. But I like to put my own names to the characters. That's called 'poetic license'...or something like that.
Here's these three agents that keep chasing people all over creation in order to keep them from escaping the Matrix. Now what I did was dub them with nicknames. Agent Smith goes by the moniker "Fear" and his two sidekicks are "Doubt" and "Disbelief." Now if anyone would have told me I'd be watching something like this when I got it, I would have told them they were nuts. But again, another story. Like I don't have enough already to write a book.
Anyhoo. One of my favorite scenes is where Neo jumps into the middle of Agent Smith's gut and goes poking around. Pokes, wham, kazam...and "Fear" has this weird look on his face like to say, "What the heck do you think you're doin'?" Then after Neo goes 'exploring' "Fear" he decides that there's nothing there and pops out a new Neo and becomes ONE with himself and has the power to kick the crap out of the head guy. The other two dudes, "Doubt" and "Disbelief", seeing what Neo did to "Fear" decide to get the heck outta Dodge and take a hike.
This is the way I would write the scene...if I had the talent. It's allegorical fiction. Love it. Hang on a second and I'll jump into YouTube and see if I can round up a clip to show you what I'm talkin' about. 'Scuse me.
I'm it is.
Now I'm not much of a fighter like Neo but I've had a lot of "Fears" in my life like most people. I've come to the conclusion that the best way I can deal with them is to 'take them out to lunch' and explore what it is about them that bothers me. No...not literally take them to lunch. But talk to them and find out more about them and I've found by exploring them, fear disappears and I have a new 'friend.' It's worked...a lot of times.
Anyhow, my favorite to the Wizard of the Matrix. I have all three and I've come to my own conclusion as to what the 'Matrix' is. Which is another story. But I like to put my own names to the characters. That's called 'poetic license'...or something like that.
Here's these three agents that keep chasing people all over creation in order to keep them from escaping the Matrix. Now what I did was dub them with nicknames. Agent Smith goes by the moniker "Fear" and his two sidekicks are "Doubt" and "Disbelief." Now if anyone would have told me I'd be watching something like this when I got it, I would have told them they were nuts. But again, another story. Like I don't have enough already to write a book.
Anyhoo. One of my favorite scenes is where Neo jumps into the middle of Agent Smith's gut and goes poking around. Pokes, wham, kazam...and "Fear" has this weird look on his face like to say, "What the heck do you think you're doin'?" Then after Neo goes 'exploring' "Fear" he decides that there's nothing there and pops out a new Neo and becomes ONE with himself and has the power to kick the crap out of the head guy. The other two dudes, "Doubt" and "Disbelief", seeing what Neo did to "Fear" decide to get the heck outta Dodge and take a hike.
This is the way I would write the scene...if I had the talent. It's allegorical fiction. Love it. Hang on a second and I'll jump into YouTube and see if I can round up a clip to show you what I'm talkin' about. 'Scuse me.
I'm it is.
Now I'm not much of a fighter like Neo but I've had a lot of "Fears" in my life like most people. I've come to the conclusion that the best way I can deal with them is to 'take them out to lunch' and explore what it is about them that bothers me. No...not literally take them to lunch. But talk to them and find out more about them and I've found by exploring them, fear disappears and I have a new 'friend.' It's worked...a lot of times.