Sylvia Romanelli Crocker...the 'foundation'

Once upon a time...1980 to be exact, John and Sylvia met. And it all began with the words "Que sera sera" (which is Italian for 'whatever will be...will be). But that's another story... 'Sylvia story' that she laughed about...later. Much later...because at the time she didn't think it was very funny.
Anyhow, because of those words, in the space of 3 months, a miracle happened! Two people who by an 'opinion poll' might be voted "The Least Likely To Get Hooked Up" met, became 'best friends', courted, fell in love...and got married. And to make the story more 'unlikely'...10 months later that got married AGAIN! This time in Church.
Sylvia and John 'on the surface' didn't appear to have 'that' much in common...other than they both loved to laugh and both loved to dance. In fact the song that played when Syl walked down the aisle in church guessed it! "Can I Have This Dance For The Rest Of My Life."
Over the course of the years they had their share of 'disagreements' over the little things. That's what's called 'marriage'. But because they were able to communicate about the big things, they were a 'team' that grew...closer together.
She was the 'foundation' that made their house a home. Maybe not a 'palace' but she made any 'castle' they lived in... a 'home'. He, as 'king of the castle', was the primary 'let's keep a roof over our head' dude. She laughed and thought he was funny...sometimes. Two people who used to say...often, to each other. "I don't care what you say, your not going to change me" and they didn't...and didn't even try. But little by little, changes came about...and they 'grew' together.
She knew his 'dreams'. He knew hers. Now the time has come when she's no longer here with him. His biggest wish is to 'make her dreams come true. And by cracky, he'll do it...or his name ain't Crocker. Some may think he's a little 'off' but he knows he's right ON track. This 'fairy tale' may have an ending...but the LOVE story doesn't.
PS: (A 'fairy tale' doesn't generally have a PS...but this one does 'cause I ain't perfect)
The picture in this story is of Sylvia holding our 'baby', Cherokee Elvis. What's she doing? Clowning around and wearing her 'Elvis' glasses that came from Las Vegas,
(where else) Like I wrote to her in her Easter card..."The best is yet to come." And I know what I'm aiming for. 'Shoot for the moon' has ONE meaning. Focus